Frequently Asked Questions
I missed the deadline for ordering my gown package. What now? If you miss the deadline for online ordering, you must visit/contact the Hinds C.C. Bookstore – Raymond Campus starting Monday, May 5, 2025. Your gown package will be available for pick-up at that time if your order can be filled from available extras on hand. If your order cannot be filled from extras on hand, then you will be provided with instructions for picking up your package at a later date. No late gown orders will be taken after May 9, 2025, and the deadline for pickups will be 4 pm on May 13, 2025.
What if I can’t pick up my graduation gown package during the times listed? After the scheduled distribution dates, students can pick their gown package up at the Hinds C.C. – Raymond Bookstore. The Utica and Rankin Campuses will keep the gown orders for their campuses until the day before commencement so that students on these campuses may pick them up. If you still cannot pick up your gown package before commencement at the campuses listed above, you will need to contact the Raymond Bookstore at (601) 857-3339 or by email at before 4:00 pm on May 13, 2025.
Can someone else pick up my gown order for me? Yes, but they must show your order confirmation email to pick up your gown package for you.
What do I do if my gown does not fit or is damaged? If the gown package is damaged or an incorrect size is given but you entered accurate sizing information, you will need to visit/contact the Hinds C.C. Bookstore on the Raymond Campus. They may be contacted by phone at (601) 857-3339 or by email at
Can I purchase honor cords and PTK items from the Hinds C.C. Bookstore? Graduates cannot purchase these items from the bookstore.
Do I have to return my cap and gown after the ceremony? No – The entire graduation gown package is yours to keep.
What do I do with my cap and gown if I am no longer able to participate in the ceremony? Please contact the Hinds C.C. Bookstore – Raymond Campus if this occurs as they will address this issue on a case-by-case basis.
Can’t find the answer you are looking for? For gown ordering inquiries, please contact the Hinds C.C. bookstore by phone at (601) 857-3339 or by email at You may also contact Graduate Supply House, Inc. by clicking here.